
Monday, November 29, 2010

Open season on Pope jokes!

A Scottish referee was sacked for making a Pope joke, specifically, this picture:

To quote Richard's post:

Hugh Dallas, head of referee development for the Scottish Football Association has been sacked because he passed on, by eMail, a joke about the pope. His dismissal was called for by a spokesman for the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland. This nasty little weasel is called Peter Kearney, Director of the Scottish Catholic Media Office. His details, in case you feel like sending him a message, are as follows:

Peter Kearney, Director, Scottish Catholic Media Office, St George's Buildings, 5 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2DH

Similarly, the Chief Executive of the Scottish Football Association, responsible for this craven giving-in to Catholic censorship is Stewart Regan. The address of this coward is Scottish Football Association, Hampden Park, Glasgow G42 9AY

It would seem, from the YouTube video posted here, that the joke concerned is the one that heads this page, warning children of the approach of the pope. The caption was censored, but it isn't difficult to find the original. It is at

My suggestion is that we should do our best to make this joke go viral, beginning by sending hundreds of copies of it to these two addresses:

But there are probably funnier jokes along the same lines, and I would encourage you to send as many as you can find.


The Pope deserves no respect, and even if you do respect him, he is not above humour.

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