
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tell the BBC how important faith is to you

BBC Rado 2 has a three part radio show, The Great British Faith, starting at 22:00 tomorrow. This, despite faith being on the way out in the UK, and no mention anywhere of those without faith.

As part of that, they're encouraging people to contribute to the Great British Faith map.

Radio 2's Hardeep Singh Kohli journeys to three of the most exciting cities in the UK, Cardiff, Leicester and Glasgow. In doing so he tells the story of faith in Britain today.

Share your experience. What does your religious faith mean to you? How has it influenced your life and continues to do so? We'd like to hear how important your faith is to you. Email, including pictures and audio, to:

This is our chance to email the BBC and tell them how important faith is to us. We can't all be as succinct as Dawkins*, but the BBC are asking us to let them know. We should respond.

Also a good time to remind you all of the BHA's Census Campaign.

*"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." Richard Dawkins

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