Thursday, June 2, 2011

Homeopahtic overdose done and dusted, what should I do next?

Well, Tuesday's talk went well, thanks for all the compliments. As for the video recording, less so. The batteries ran out - alas, I thought it charged off a USB, but actually the FlipCam I had takes old fashioned double As.

So, my Boots Insomnia pill were a combination remedy with the following: Kalium Bromatum, Coffea Cruda, Passiflora Incarnata, Avena Sativa, Alfalfa and Valeriana Officinalis.

As the links show, each of these have numerous symptoms. The closest we can get to an actual match is from the Alfalfa:

Abdomen.--Bloated. Hysterical cramps. Thin, watery diarrhœa, with lumps of coagulated milk, with violent screaming in children. Greenish, papescent, bloody stool. Spasms in bowels after food and at night in bed.

Of all the symptoms to get a close match it obviously had to be the diarrhoea.

Now, there are well over 50 possible symptoms, and that I got only one of these, once, after also eating a discounted chicken dish, over the course of four months further adds to my certainty, that when it comes to homeopathy, there's nothing in it.

What have I learnt? Homeopaths don't like facing up to criticism; fail to take a holistic approach when it comes to evidence; and that, answering Martin Robbin's article that started this all off, they are not, as a community, mature and capable enough to look at the evidence and reach a consensus.

I am waiting to hear, following a question at Skeptics in the Pub, how homeopaths get pure water with which to make homeopathic remedies.

So, there we go, thanks to everyone for their support. Now to find another project. I'm going to see if I can find the time to do an Alpha Course, failing that, am open to suggestions. What other woo shall I do and blog about?

In other news, this is happening tonight, I might be able to get to it after capoeira training. It would be quite fun to ask about homopathic overdosing...


  1. A study proving you can use mobile phones in petrol stations?

  2. Thanks for the suggestion. Mythbusters did this, and showed it quite clearly to be a myth that mobile phones risk ignition of the fuel. I've not found out if the "mobiles phones affect the pump's reading of how much fuel comes out" thing is a myth yet, but I am skeptical that it's the case!


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